Trip Take: Winter Park
Lea Lea

Trip Take: Winter Park

We consider signing our kids up for lessons every time we take a trip. Z still needs the confidence to stay parallel on the steeps, and H needs to ski with kids more capable than his sister so he can be challenged and seek out real adventure. When we made the shift to Winter Park for the holiday weekend, we discovered that all-day group lessons were available for kids of all abilities, and conveniently, all lessons depart from the same base area. The terrain at Winter Park is varied and interesting, and lessons were $70 less expensive than group offerings at Sun Valley had been. We were sold.

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Big Mountain Adventures: Vail
Mark Mark

Big Mountain Adventures: Vail

With our kids now confident on skis, we were ready to explore the bigger mountains out west. Choosing somewhere familiar for the kids’ first venture west made the most sense. Having lived in Vail in the early 00's, I was comfortable with the town and the mountain. In hindsight, our decision to pick a place we knew well was a smart one: it allowed us to focus on the skiing.

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